• Production of custom-made forming tubes

    for industrial packaging
  • Accessories and hoppers

    for industrial packaging
  • Aluminium processing and maintenance

    for packaging equipment

Forming tubes

CN Tubi Formatori offers a wide range of universal and specialty forming tubes designed to fit any packaging machine. Thanks to our experience and attention to detail, we are able to tailor solutions for every packaging need, guaranteeing quality craftsmanship and superior performance.

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Accessories and hoppers

To complete your packaging system, CN Tubi Formatori manufactures high-quality accessories and hoppers. From anti-clogging hoppers to connecting funnels, we offer products designed to improve the efficiency and precision of your industrial packaging. Rely on us for customized solutions that meet every need.

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Aluminum machining

CN Tubes Formers not only deals in tubes and packaging accessories, but also offers aluminum machining and specialized maintenance services. From custom plate fabrication to lightening existing components, we guarantee high-quality results that optimize the performance of your equipment.

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About us

CN tube formers: experience and reliability at your service

CN in Verdello, in the province of Bergamo, is a leading manufacturer of forming tubes and packaging equipment. Founded in 1994, as of 2012 CN is active in the market with new productions, exemplified by the new company name.

The quality of our products is the result of a long experience in the field typical of a historical company, which has been able to combine its expertise with the enthusiasm and dynamism of a young company, whose small size favors direct and personal contact with customers. Our workings, precisely because of the small size of the company, are characterized by a high degree of craftsmanship: we also have equipment adaptable to all types of machines in circulation.

The professionalism that distinguishes us and the reliability of our experienced staff complement the particularly fast delivery times that characterize our activity and the studied flexibility of our products. The owners also do a good deal of the craftsmanship, so as to ensure a direct thread between labor, business management and customer relations.

imbuti di raccordo

A leader in the industrial packaging sector

CN is a company from Bergamo that ensures everything you need in terms of industrial packaging and packaging equipment: our forming tubes, adaptable to all the machines in circulation and made in different shapes and types to meet every market need, are synonymous with quality and reliability

Making tubes and constructing equipment that can facilitate the bagging of products and improve and speed up packaging activities is not just a job for us, but a real mission. 

Thanks to the technical expertise, professionalism and passion of the entire staff, CN is a mark of guarantee, quality and reliability in the entire tube forming industry.


Guaranteed production standards

CN Tubi Formatori is a dynamic company committed, since its inception, to the scrupulous craftsmanship of its processes and able to supply some of the best packaging equipment on the market. The production standards guaranteed for packaging by CN Tubi Formatori are very high: thanks to a highly qualified staff that is always up-to-date and in constant training, the company is in fact able to ensure the best solutions to every single, and however articulated, industrial packaging need, in order to provide its customers with the necessary tools to competitively face the challenges imposed by large-scale distribution and increasingly demanding and tight economic dynamics.

Not a forming machine but forming tubes

There is no packaging machine, whatever type it may be, that does not include so-called “forming tubes”,  which must be designed and conceived expressly to work in unison with the packaging machine.

Round forming tubes are the ideal forming tubes in all cases where the classic pillow bag is needed, and they fit perfectly with any type of film. CN can also make forming tubes prepared for zipper passage applied to film

The wide range of tubes is sufficient to meet the needs of industrial packaging, but where this is not the case, ad hoc design of the forming tube and related packaging machine can be carried out by CN technicians.